PW3d Blog
A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.
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Last edit: 09. Aug. 2015, 18:34h
Animation:Master Interchange: How to integreation A:M in your workflow
For a long time it has been a troublesome thing to integrate A:M in your existing 3d workflow / pipeline. That has changed with the new genious Blender plugin. With this plugin you can export MDL files from Blender. It can not only export geometry (which was always the hardest thing to do) but it can export UV informations and even Bone-Information. It is planned to add import of A:M's action files into Blender too. That will enable whole new ...
Last edit: 04. Jul. 2015, 12:33h
2 new video tutorials: Modeling of a hand and a foot
You can find 2 new tutorial below, which should help beginners how to create a foot and a hand in Animation:Master. Whether you want to learn more about patch modelling or you are taking your first steps in the 3d world these may help you to learn some tricks. Video Tutorial: Modelling a hand Video-Tutorial: Modelling a foot
Last edit: 21. Jun. 2015, 16:34h
Complex 3d print: Door traffic light
Today a new 3d printed piece has been produced in my small home factory. A relativly complex traffic light for doors to bee assembled. What is a door traffic light? With this you can define, whether a visitor is welcome, you are busy but if it is important the visitor can come in or if there is too much to do right now to have a visitor. This can be used for converence rooms to tell people outside if this is a very important customer meeting ...
Last edit: 14. Jun. 2015, 23:19h
Spice Bed Signs
Since we recently moved with our company to a new place, we are now pleased with much more space and a small garden. Some of my colleges created a new spice bed in that. Someone asked for signs so that we can tell which one is groving where... asked for? Done! WIth a 3d printer everything is possible ;).
Last edit: 05. Jun. 2015, 22:19h
PatchWork3d: Car stickers
From today on, my car has three new stickers on it with URLs from A friend of mine has recently bought a cutting plotter and did them for me. His website can be found here. Many thanks for the stickers :).
Last edit: 24. May. 2015, 02:14h