PW3d Blog

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Last edit: 02. Dec. 2012, 23:37h

150 Micron Print

Finally done... my first although very easy print with 0,15 mm layerheight has been completed. 150 Microns with the Makerbot 150 Microns print with the Makerbot side I did it by changing the fillment 2 times while printing.
Last edit: 02. Dec. 2012, 14:14h


And now about the dark sides of the Replicator 2 or very likely any 3d printer: At this time I can not print at a layer thickness of 0,1 mm. I can print very uncertain time the printer will not extrude any more PLA. At a middle quality setting (for instance 0.27mm it is quite easy to print without a problem but at 0.1mm it is much harder to even start the print. What this is all about? It is about the precission of the adjustment. That includes ...
Last edit: 27. Nov. 2012, 20:35h

Makerware 1.03 Update

Today there is new update for Makerware available. Officially the update is only for printing the highest layers a little better but I am able to print in the highest resolution too. Rock on Makerbot Inc.! Get it here!
Last edit: 27. Nov. 2012, 20:18h


After a few test I can say (like others did before) that Makerware is not yet ready to be used exclusively. There is for instance a bug which prevents it to print at the highest resolutions... This is a pitty because it really is a better interface and much easier to use than Replicator G, the open source software used before. Anyway you can still use Replicator G and it works as it should. Like that I would say you should try it with Replicator ...
Last edit: 24. Nov. 2012, 14:12h

First impressions with the Makerbot Replicator 2

The Makerbot Replicator 2 after startup. A working screw with nut. My first experiences with the Makerbot Replicator 2 are mixed. I have produced some nice objects like a screw and a nut (comes with the Replicator 2) and a Plomper) and I can say it is really fun but it can be quite hard to get the plastics of the build-plate. That is my current problem too: I have some plastic leftovers on my plate from canceled prints and I ...
Last edit: 21. Nov. 2012, 18:33h

Makerbot Replicator 2 and Animation:Master v17.0

After a long wait today my first 3d printer has been delivered. The Makerbot Replicator 2 is one of the most advanced low-budget-systems on the market. Of course there are other systems like the Form 1 available, which even use the a little more precise Laserlithographie technique and which are not that much more expensive but the following costs for usage material are much higher, the print size is quite a lot smaller and the company does ...

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