PW3d Blog
A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.
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Last edit: 07. Dec. 2013, 16:49h
Offtopic: Believing in Google
Today it came to my attention again that we all are very upset about the NSA but we do not really ask about the non-agency releated problems we face. I am not talking about the British or Russian programs but about Google. It came to my mind when I was asked why I use FireFox and not Chrome. First I answered in the common way like "used to it, good plugins, good for developers" but another really good reason is ...
Last edit: 06. Dec. 2013, 00:07h
Hash Animation:Master v18
The newest version of A:M is now available. Many small improvements and especially the new OpenGL 3 support and the high resolution STL export for 3d printing (up to 4096 subdivisions per patch) as well as many more export improvements make this update obligatory many A:M users. The complete list of changes and improvements can be found here: Improvements and changes in Hash Animation:Master v18 All users with a active subscription can ...
Last edit: 23. Nov. 2013, 19:32h
A 3d print example at 100 micron layer height
Here is another example of a 3d print at 100 microns layerheight. It is a pen holder.
Last edit: 29. Sep. 2013, 12:38h
3d print close up
Many people wonder about how a 3d printed object from an affordable 3d printer will look. How neatly is the surface, how clean does it look? I am trying to give an answer to that today. The object below is a jewellery piece for a friend I produced with my Makerbot Replicator 2. Image 1: Jewellery piece at 150 Micrometer Image 2: The same piece next to a ruler (showing centimeters, not inches; 2.54 cm = 1 inch) to show you the size ...
Last edit: 27. Sep. 2013, 22:57h
The new Mascot of A:M 2013
It has been decided: The new mascott of A:M 2013 has been found. It is the anteater from XTZAS alias Marcos Rezende.
Last edit: 17. Sep. 2013, 10:03h