PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 17. Dec. 2012, 01:03h

MassEffect 1-3: One of the best games of all times

In general I am not going to show you games here, but this one really stands out... The triology of Mass Effect is really a great one and you shoudl really start at the beginning! The storyline is very deep and strong, that strong and deep that I have to say it is the best I have ever seen in a game. It has it all: Anger, love, friendship, betrays, desperation, hope, fun and a real deep and great way to tell the storry. I have never seen something ...
Last edit: 03. Dec. 2012, 11:50h

3We Adventskalender 2012

The new 3We Xmas calendar is now available. Funny commercials and some other nice videos will hopefully help you to get through the rough prexmas time. Of course Animation:Maser v17 had its influences here too ;) 3We Adventskalender 2012 Have fun!
Last edit: 01. Nov. 2012, 01:44h

The new webdesign

Today the website received the new 2012 design. The website is based on the wisy CMS which is the Content Management System of 3We GmbH. By this the new website should be easier and faster to maintain and put new content on it. Additional to the new design, the website has a few new Video-Tutorials and some additional informations about A:M, PW3d and connected areas of interest. Have fun exploring it! *Fuchur*
Last edit: 27. Oct. 2012, 20:48h


What should I say... Facebook, the "new" way to communicate... publicity for everybody and nobody can be reached... where in general nobody will really notice anybody there are now follower, likers and people very neatly arranged in circles... The price is to give your perosnal data and put up images of the last party with the half naked sweety gal (or guy) who granted a seat on her/his lap so you could better drink the a finest bottle of vodka ...

If my website sucks, you do not need to visit it.
Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?