PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 16. Feb. 2020, 02:31h

The Elegoo Mars: The new guy in town

After my MarkBot Replicator 2 and 2x (both Fused Deposition Modelling printers), I now have a new 3d printer - but this time a Digital Light Processing (DLP) printer. A DLP printer is something completely different from a FDM printer, because here, plastic is not melted and stacked on top of each other like with a hot glue gun, but a 3D printer, where UV light is used to cure a reacting resin layer by layer. The synthetic resin (called resin) ...
Last edit: 01. Jan. 2020, 18:44h

Happy New Year 2020

As always I would like to wish you all a great new, successful and happy year 2020 :). And to take the opportunity: Many thanks to everyone who follows the website, this blog or my YT-Channel :).
Last edit: 24. Dec. 2019, 17:45h

Happy Christmas 2019

I wish all readers of this blog as always a wonderful Christmas (or whatever it is you celebrate :)) and all the best and best for you and your families. See you soon and a reflective time with your family :).

A peition to get WhatsApp on W10(m) some more

Who like me would like to be on the road with Windows 10 (m) and e.g. a still good Lumia 950/XL or similar Smartphones, should have a look at the following petition. It does not try to get Facebook to develop further or something similar but just to keep the existing features and to keep the app usable beyond the end of 2019. Have a look at the petition and support it with your vote if possible :):
Last edit: 02. Dec. 2019, 19:30h

The 3We Advent Calendar 2019

Every year at 3We there is a new advent calendar with funny, thoughtful or simply well-done video clips and commercials from all over the world. As always was created like every year since 2009 Hash Animation:Master and web technologies. If you want to switch off some nice minutes per day, you should definitely stop by: Have fun and don’t forget to leave a greeting for the little cats :).
Last edit: 22. Sep. 2019, 00:50h

Inliner Caps

Today I was at an inline skating freestyle slalom competition in Karlsruhe - because as you can see on the website, inline skating is one of my little passions and I drove a lot of kilometers with mine and I did some rolls except for practical the rim. Since a few weeks I meet some very talented people on my long training track every now and then (especially on Sunday), who do a relatively unknown but for me quite impressive sport: Inliner Freestyle ...

If my website sucks, you do not need to visit it.
Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?