PW3d Blog

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Last edit: 27. Oct. 2012, 20:47h

A:M Rendernodes

From now on it is no longer a problem to render with more than 4 cores at the same time using Animation:Master Netrender. Hash recently included a new offering which will enable you to buy additional cores for a very reasonable price: 4 additional cores for $10 10 additional cores for $15 25 additional cores for $30 50 additional cores for $50 Find more informations here: Hash Store – A:M Rendernodes
Last edit: 27. Oct. 2012, 20:27h

Animation:Master Trial Version

Since 1998 there was no trial version for Animation:Master. In 2012 this has changed. From now on you can request a fully-functional trial version of Hash Animation:Master v17 at which will enable you to use A:M for 14 days without any limitations. (you can even use the saved data in a bought version later on) Visit the following link to request your trial-version today:
Last edit: 27. Oct. 2012, 13:29h

Hash A:M v17 (2012) – Now available!

Finally A:M v17 is out and can be bought! The most impressive new features are: Retopology-tool for patch and polygon-models A:M Answers, an even easier way to access help data some massive speed increasemants and support for SSE3 and SSE4 Animation-Mode indicator (small but very helpful feature) many more small adjustments, speed ups and new helpers... Find the newest version here: Hash Forum - Latest Info Beta 02 Have fun splining!

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