PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 06. Dec. 2013, 00:07h

Hash Animation:Master v18

The newest version of A:M is now available. Many small improvements and especially the new OpenGL 3 support and the high resolution STL export for 3d printing (up to 4096 subdivisions per patch) as well as many more export improvements make this update obligatory many A:M users. The complete list of changes and improvements can be found here: Improvements and changes in Hash Animation:Master v18 All users with a active subscription can ...
Last edit: 29. Sep. 2013, 12:38h

3d print close up

Many people wonder about how a 3d printed object from an affordable 3d printer will look. How neatly is the surface, how clean does it look? I am trying to give an answer to that today. The object below is a jewellery piece for a friend I produced with my Makerbot Replicator 2. Image 1: Jewellery piece at 150 Micrometer Image 2: The same piece next to a ruler (showing centimeters, not inches; 2.54 cm = 1 inch) to show you the size ...
Last edit: 27. Sep. 2013, 22:57h

The new Mascot of A:M 2013

It has been decided: The new mascott of A:M 2013 has been found. It is the anteater from XTZAS alias Marcos Rezende.
Last edit: 17. Sep. 2013, 10:03h

New 3d Project: Chameleon

This was my entry for the contest at for Hash Animation:Master v18. This project showed me, how well A:M can cooperated with 3d Coat v4. It helped me to create a very nice entry for the contest. Additional details can be found here on this website: Work&Down > 3d > Chamäleon.
Last edit: 02. Apr. 2013, 21:23h

Interesting KickStarter-Campain: TAR of Zandoria

William Sutton is one of the most important A:M artists and finally he wants to create a series with his babarian hippo. The new KickStarter-Campaign may give him the chance to do that. For years Will has been a very talented (3d-) artist and his experience has grown with every project he has done. Are you as curious about this project as I am? If yes, you may want to check his campaign out! Kickstarter: TAR of Zandoria
Last edit: 21. Dec. 2012, 22:04h

Update: Hash Animation:Master v17.0 (d)

The new version is mainly a bug-fix release which solves (additional to other bugs) the memory leak in SimCloth. Additional to that, the 32 and 64 patches per polygon-export-options has been readjusted slightly too. Downloads: A:M v17.0(d), Windows (32bit) A:M v17.0(d), Windows (64bit) A:M v17.0(d), Intel Mac The full change-log can be found here: Complete Change-Log A:M v17.0 (d).

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