PW3d Blog
A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.
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Last edit: 13. Dec. 2012, 22:17h
Spools from Plastic2Print
After receiving my PLA-spools from Plastic2Print there is one good and one bad thing about them: The good thing is, that the plastic is of a very nice quality and my Replicator 2 can print with it very nicely. The bad thing: They dont fit on the spool holder of the Replicator 2. But there is a solution for that: Just print your own spool holder! The first part was the most difficult one: I had to get some plastic from the new to the original ...
Last edit: 06. Dec. 2012, 18:47h
Update: Hash Animation:Master v17.0 (c)
A:M v17.0 (c) is now available. Beside some solved bugs there is a new option to export with a higher resolution when creating polygonal files. Now A:M offeres the resolution settings of 1 polygone per patch, 4 polygones per patch, 16 polygones per patch and now new 32 and 64 polygones per patch. This is especially interesting when exporting STL-files for 3d printers because for a 3d print you should use high resolution data to print the best ...
Last edit: 03. Dec. 2012, 11:50h
3We Adventskalender 2012
The new 3We Xmas calendar is now available. Funny commercials and some other nice videos will hopefully help you to get through the rough prexmas time. Of course Animation:Maser v17 had its influences here too ;) 3We Adventskalender 2012 Have fun!
Last edit: 21. Nov. 2012, 18:33h
Makerbot Replicator 2 and Animation:Master v17.0
After a long wait today my first 3d printer has been delivered. The Makerbot Replicator 2 is one of the most advanced low-budget-systems on the market. Of course there are other systems like the Form 1 available, which even use the a little more precise Laserlithographie technique and which are not that much more expensive but the following costs for usage material are much higher, the print size is quite a lot smaller and the company does ...
Last edit: 05. Nov. 2012, 18:00h
Preview: New tutorial materials for A:M
The next release of A:M will have a new startup screen providing several videos which will help beginners to get started with Animation:Master. As soon as those tutorials are ready to be used, the will be another big news which should help potential new users to decide, wether they want to start with A:M or not.
Last edit: 30. Oct. 2012, 23:58h