PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 14. Aug. 2022, 11:00h

What are SailfishOS community ports and new ones for the Sony Xperia 1 and 5

Community ports are practically the possibility to use SailfishOS on other devices than Jolla itself provides. And a new and interesting port has now been released, supporting Sony’s flagship and semi-flagship class. You can learn more about it in the following video:
Last edit: 18. Jul. 2022, 23:53h

Sailfish OS: Sony Xperia 10 II & III speed tests

The new video shows what makes the Sony Xperia 10 III stand out and how fast it is. Both come with APK support and this is the start of the mini-series that will compare both smartphones. Enjoy the look!
Last edit: 26. May. 2022, 15:02h

Sailfish OS: Sony Xperia 10 III

At the moment, you are just too spoiled when it comes to smartphone hardware for open operating systems, because now the Sony Xperia 10 III is also available with official SailfishOS support. Official support means that you now also get the one-time paid variant with Alien Dalvik support (which means running Android/APK apps) as well as predictive text and Microsoft Exchange support from Jolla in addition to the free variant. Here, SFOS seems ...
Last edit: 23. Apr. 2022, 16:54h

Volla Phone 22: A multi-boot smartphone for free operating systems

This summer sees the release of a new, relatively well-equipped smartphone that is built on openness and intended for users who, for example, simply want to try out free operating systems and place a lot of value on privacy: The Volla Phone 22. This multi-boot capable smartphone (several operating systems can be swapped and installed on SD cards) offers among others the free Android based Volla OS, Ubuntu Touch and also SailfishOS as operating ...
Last edit: 19. Mar. 2022, 20:17h

3d printing: stove button replacement

We have an older stove that unfortunately has a somewhat fragile design with its knobs. At some point, a small part broke off, which unfortunately causes the whole knob to spin, leaving you with no way to properly control the heat. So I built a replacement design and printed it on my FDM to replace the broken off knob. It works great by the way :).
Last edit: 12. Feb. 2022, 18:13h

The small award

Since our apprentice graduated last year and now leaves for further tasks in the world, I have a small award in 3d printed by FDM process and assembled from two parts and given away as a farewell gift. You can see the result here (or a version. The final version also had the holes already integrated, because it was easier than drilling the holes afterwards): All the best and I hope you have a lot of fun and interesting challenges ahead ...

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