PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 31. Dec. 2013, 17:02h

Happy New Year!

I will bow out for this year and wish you all fun while celebrating the end of it :). And do not forget after your headache has vanished: 2014 we will be one of the best places to get informations about Hash Animation:Master and 3d prints! Any now: Have fun celebrating! And think about it twice if the fotos are really well placed at facebook ;)... Have fun!
Last edit: 07. Dec. 2013, 16:49h

Offtopic: Believing in Google

Today it came to my attention again that we all are very upset about the NSA but we do not really ask about the non-agency releated problems we face. I am not talking about the British or Russian programs but about Google. It came to my mind when I was asked why I use FireFox and not Chrome. First I answered in the common way like "used to it, good plugins, good for developers" but another really good reason is ...
Last edit: 16. Mar. 2013, 14:07h

We are FlameWar

Man... what is going on out there at or other newsportales again... The new Samsung Galays S4 has been presented and the Apple-Fanbots are fighting against the Samsung-disciples or the whole Android-community. I did not hear about the 7 pledges of apocalypse being broken, did you? I doubt that most religious leaders in the world even know that we are fighting in a technique-religion-war... I’d like to make an cue for more technique ...
Last edit: 16. Mar. 2013, 13:50h

Annoying advertisements...

I am working in an advertising agency which may stand in conflict to some readers with this post but for me advertising should have a benefit for the customer and the company which is offering something... but what I sometimes see out there is really not in anyway fitting into that categories.... there are limits... Why do I talk about that? In Germany there is a new cookie in the advertisings... I got it from a co-worker and it did indeed taste ...
Last edit: 02. Feb. 2013, 13:05h

The SocialMedia factor

Blogs, Facebook, Google+, Xing, Twitter and what else there is... they help us commincate, they drive the internet from nerds to normal people and give the possibility to write something in the internet for everybody. But there is something that results of that, that I think many are not aware of... It is much harder to find specific informations than before. If you are searching for "Makerbot Support" or something like that you will get literally ...

Mobile Devices... everything is better?

You can hear it all over again today: "Oh, the newest smartphone is here... the PC is no longer of any use!" or "PS3, XBox and PCs... nobody needs them anymore, my cellphone is better andway..." Before I begin: I like Android and I like my smartphone (own one of the fastest around currently) but these statements are just WRONG. Any good PC is much, much faster than any smartphone... The more performance you need, the better a stationary computer ...

If my website sucks, you do not need to visit it.
Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?