PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 12. Feb. 2023, 17:42h

Sailfish OS: Major update 4.5

SailfishOS, the European privacy-oriented smartphone operating system has received a new update. According to the blog post, 700 bug fixes and several new or adapted features were added. Of particular interest to Alien Dalvic users (AD allows Android apps to run on Linux systems such as Sailfish OS): Compatibility has been raised to Android v11. In addition, there are several other improvements such as better Bluetooth connections, many ...
Last edit: 03. Jan. 2023, 02:11h

Happy New Year 2023

I wish you all a happy 2023 with this little 3d print. It’s a holder for supermarket shopping cart chips in the shape of a horseshoe. And now for All readers: all the best for the new year, a good start into the new year and much success, joy and peace in the new year!
Last edit: 24. Dec. 2022, 16:03h

Merry Christmas 2022

I wish all readers a nice and reflective Christmas, lots of happiness, health and just a good time with loved ones. As a small gift this year there is a small Christmas elf on the 3d printer, which I printed in bronze and silver. The little elf is interesting because it is a 3d scan that was then printed. This makes the surface rougher than it typically is and just more interesting to the touch. All the best, Merry Christmas and see ...
Last edit: 26. Nov. 2022, 13:12h

WebCam shutter from 3d printer

In order to not always feel like I’m being watched (because the webcams at work unfortunately don’t have their own shutter), I unceremoniously built and printed a new cap for them. The attachment makes it hold well to the very smooth housing, and it’s a better option than the previous attempts with a cap just for the front part. So now I’m a bit more data-protected on the road and have already made these for other colleagues on ...
Last edit: 12. Oct. 2022, 23:28h

Spool holder replacement

Sometimes you have to replace even the best 3D prints. Unfortunately, I got my foot caught on the spool holder, and not without consequences. But luckily, thanks to "hand feeding", I was able to print a replacement and get right back to work :). Here’s a different design approach: 2 sides, which are then joined together by cable ties. Unusual, but effective :). So it can go on now :).
Last edit: 20. Sep. 2022, 17:32h

3D Printing: Clothing rod holder

My closet grew under far too many T-shirts from years of keeping and so at some point need the plastic piece that should hold the clothes rail. Since of course first, at least until a new closet can be purchased a replacement part to fix the problem at least temporarily. This worked so well that I’m almost tempted to keep the wardrobe, but since there are other construction sites on the wardrobe and it really is already 20 years old, it will ...

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Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?