PW3d Blog
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Last edit: 17. Dec. 2012, 01:03h
MassEffect 1-3: One of the best games of all times
In general I am not going to show you games here, but this one really stands out... The triology of Mass Effect is really a great one and you shoudl really start at the beginning! The storyline is very deep and strong, that strong and deep that I have to say it is the best I have ever seen in a game. It has it all: Anger, love, friendship, betrays, desperation, hope, fun and a real deep and great way to tell the storry. I have never seen something ...
Last edit: 13. Dec. 2012, 22:17h
Spools from Plastic2Print
After receiving my PLA-spools from Plastic2Print there is one good and one bad thing about them: The good thing is, that the plastic is of a very nice quality and my Replicator 2 can print with it very nicely. The bad thing: They dont fit on the spool holder of the Replicator 2. But there is a solution for that: Just print your own spool holder! The first part was the most difficult one: I had to get some plastic from the new to the original ...
Last edit: 11. Dec. 2012, 23:42h
After the first PLA spool
With these my first 500g PLA-spools is gone. Here some examples what I printed till now. All together these are about 250g and the 250g left were used to try things out or for failed prints.
Last edit: 09. Dec. 2012, 22:10h
Shop for PLA and ABS-Plastics for Europe
It was quite hard to find a cheaper PLA-plastics offerer for Germany which could offer 1.75mm PLA. That is what you need for the Makerbot Replicator 2. Today I found a shop which offers exactly that in Amsterdam for about 28 Euro / kg PLA. That is close to half as expensive than other offerings. There are additional 10 Euros for shipping, but it is nevertheless a nice offer. Link top shop: Plastic2Print
Last edit: 06. Dec. 2012, 18:47h
Update: Hash Animation:Master v17.0 (c)
A:M v17.0 (c) is now available. Beside some solved bugs there is a new option to export with a higher resolution when creating polygonal files. Now A:M offeres the resolution settings of 1 polygone per patch, 4 polygones per patch, 16 polygones per patch and now new 32 and 64 polygones per patch. This is especially interesting when exporting STL-files for 3d printers because for a 3d print you should use high resolution data to print the best ...
Last edit: 03. Dec. 2012, 11:50h