PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 22. May. 2015, 23:24h

Article about A:M in Digital Production 04/15

In the new Digital Production is an article about Hash Animation:Master v18. There you can find an article about 5 pages describing A:M v18. Reading that article should help people who never heard about A:M at all to getting started but can be intersting for an active user too. Here the overview of the DP 04/15: Content of DP 04/15 (the article "A almost forgotton 3d world" is about A:M) The new issue can be ordered here: Digital Production ...
Last edit: 09. May. 2015, 14:20h

Free tutorials for Animation:Master by Barry Zundel

Barry's tutorials are some of the best and deepest tutorials out there for Animation:Master. Starting now you can download these for free on his blog. If you want to start with A:M or you already have experience but want to deepen it even more you should absolutly have a look at these. If you does not know who Barry is: Barry Zundel has been employed by Pixar untill recently and had different jobs there like for instance Technical Director. ...
Last edit: 15. Mar. 2015, 22:34h

Very cool character rig for Hash Animation:Master

There is a new, quite powerful and easy to install rig for Hash Animation:Master called "The Saucy Rig" available. If you are an Animation:Master user or someone who wants to be one, you should have a look at this. Mack Cappele (Mechadelphia over at the Hash Forums) has called this installation type the drop-in method and it seems to be very easy. If you are interested, please have a look at his blog: Overview of the Saucy Rig
Last edit: 25. Dec. 2014, 15:23h

Very nice animation with 2d and 3d-combination

This music video animation combines 2d content made with AnimeStudio and 3d content made with Animation:Master with ToonRendering seemlessly with eachother... Have a look, it is worth it :):
Last edit: 24. Dec. 2014, 16:05h

Xmas 2014

Today is the holy night and I want to thank anybody reading this blog for their support and wish all of you AND your families happy christmas. :) This is a small xmas tree which has been printed upside down and is now standing on the desks of my collegues as work. To avoid long printing times and overhangs I printed it that way because a print with ABS & PVA takes approximately 2.5 time longer than this one. At the end I broke of the stand ...
Last edit: 07. Sep. 2014, 01:47h

ABS & PVA Print on my Makerbot Replicator 2x

My first 3d print with ABS and PVA as support material. In this video based on images and some live recordings of dissolving PVA in water and a clean 3d object at the end. Just to have said it: This 3d object could have been printed without support material at a equal quality. This is just a test to print with PVA as support and how well PVA will dissolve. The print time was about 3.5h, the PVA filament dissolved in about 2.75h. The 3d print ...

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