PW3d Blog

A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.

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Last edit: 21. Apr. 2024, 18:12h

Sailfish OS: Zimpedia

Sometimes you get into situations where the internet just doesn’t work as well as you would like it to. The connection can be poor when you’re out for a walk in the woods, or even in the city there can be dropouts in buildings and so on. If you still need access to wikis, for example, you may have a problem. That’s where Zimpedia comes in. The app can read and search so-called ZIM files. These are practically zipped versions of the website ...
Last edit: 01. Apr. 2024, 14:46h

Happy Easter 2024

I was on vacation last week, but hardly got to do anything 3d-printing or 3d-graphics-oriented. That’s why there is only a small Easter greeting with self-colored eggs. :) I know, a bit uncreative, but an Easter greeting is a must ;)
Last edit: 27. Mar. 2024, 01:24h

PW3d: Server-Update 2024

Since my old vServer has been experiencing outages and severe delays from time to time recently, I have now updated to a new, faster vServer. It didn’t have so much to do with the old vServer, but rather with an “old“ virtualization solution from Strato that simply didn’t distribute the resources on the server properly. Now it should work better again. :) The update seems to have been successful, but if you still notice something, ...
Last edit: 03. Mar. 2024, 23:04h

Sailfish OS: Rumors about Sailfish OS 4.6 and new smartphones

FOSDEM took place in Brussels and there were some very interesting rumors about new versions and new supported devices, which I would like to talk about in this video. And if you’d like to answer a few questions from Jolla to help them understand what their customers want to see in the future, please let them know here (note: this is done with Microsoft Forms): Survey
Last edit: 17. Feb. 2024, 12:30h

3d printing: Accessories for the LeetDesk Dark Pro from the 3d printer

Today the 3rd accessory (the smartphone holder) came out of the 3D printer for my LeetDesk Dark Pro. The models are of course from Animation:Master and are specially adapted to the table in terms of thickness and structure of the holder:
Last edit: 14. Feb. 2024, 21:22h

Valentine’s Day 2024

As always, there’s a little Valentine’s Day gift from me. A little heart that was created with A:M and Blender and then, of course, printed out using P1S.

If my website sucks, you do not need to visit it.
Have a nice day and think about how much you have payed to visit it? Nothing...
How many ads do you see at it? None.

How much money do I earn from it? Nothing.
Does it cost me something to host it? Hell yeah.

I do not see why I should provide it to you to be insulted?