PW3d Blog
A blog about 3d graphics, Animation:Master, PW3d, 3d printing, Sailfish OS, Windows 10(m) and much more.
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Last edit: 26. Jul. 2020, 14:14h
VRChat: What is VRChat and how did I import my plumper model as a character?
In times of Covid-19 you are very likely looking for new hobby and since I have a VR headset, I looked around a bit and came across VRChat. VRChat is a software which allows you to talk virtually without transmitting a video signal and communicating with a live video stream like in one of the numerous video chat apps but VRChat works more like a multiplayer computer game. You pick a (okay, let’s say it like it is: 16 or more...) character ...
Last edit: 17. Apr. 2020, 17:32h
Breathing mask from the 3d printer
A company from Baden-Württemberg called "Cast Solut" has developed a respirator that can be produced by injection moulding and that reduces the use of filter material to about 1/5 of a normal respirator. Well done one can only say. Of course things get even better if you can download the 3d data for it and print it out on your home FDM printer. The 3d model is available on the website - thanks for that :). But when I downloaded it, I noticed ...
Last edit: 28. Mar. 2020, 11:57h
The Soulcage Department: Bouncing Ball exercise
Every 3d-animation artist has probably done it before: This is a new variation of the bouncing ball exercise - this time with a current background. And so it only remains for me to say: #staythefuckhome! Have fun watching it and thanks to Elm from the Soulcage Department for this small and simply stylish animation :). YouTube:
Last edit: 02. Dec. 2019, 19:30h
The 3We Advent Calendar 2019
Every year at 3We there is a new advent calendar with funny, thoughtful or simply well-done video clips and commercials from all over the world. As always was created like every year since 2009 Hash Animation:Master and web technologies. If you want to switch off some nice minutes per day, you should definitely stop by: Have fun and don’t forget to leave a greeting for the little cats :).
Last edit: 03. Aug. 2019, 19:40h
Revised: The smaller version or how the design evolves
It’s been a while since I built a door stamp design for the work that should just say to people: Sorry, I’m busy right now. Please come back later. After we’ve been using these door ramps for a while, most of them are broken now. That wasn’t really the design itself, but the fact that the traffic lights were directed downwards. This brings with it a serious problem: If you push the handle down, the door jam is pushed through its rigid ...
Last edit: 30. Jun. 2019, 15:19h